What to write about
I’ve plenty of ideas to write about but need to consider some kind of direction. Until then, here’s a random post.
One thought I had was how long it’s been since the idea of 16bicycles came about. It was in the late 1990s. At that point I was in my late 20s and never had played too much with computers. So I purchased a used G3 Power Mac (similar to the image in this post.) It was just when Mac OSX was being introduced.
I had setup a local network and thought it would be cool to learn how to setup a webserver and dns records and … the list seemed endless. I bought several O’Reilly books on TCP/IP protocols and DNS servers and … the list seemed endless. To make a long story short, I never had enough success to hook me on it, which was unfortunate as I can only imagine what 20 years of work would have gotten me in terms of experience and skillsets.
Regardless, here I am although the Power Mac tower is long gone. About all that is left is my older personal email address with the @mac.com address.